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manner of articulation place manner bilabial voiced / voiceless
manner of articulation place manner bilabial voiced / voicelessplace of articulation: bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveol
place of articulation: bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolvowels   places of articulation – bilabial: made with two lips
vowels places of articulation – bilabial: made with two lips常用塑料缩略语英文中文名一览表
常用塑料缩略语英文中文名一览表which is a voiced bilabial stop? a. [m] b. [v] c. [p] d. [b] 2.
which is a voiced bilabial stop? a. [m] b. [v] c. [p] d. [b] 2.