12`生活里的开心 60%来自美食 还有40%来自陪你吃饭的人
60% of the happiness in life comes from delicious food, and 40% comes from the people who accompany you to dinner
13`我频繁记录着 因为觉得生活值得
I record it frequently because I think life is worth living
14`这个世上本不存在完全契合的爱 互相磨合 其实比天造地设更加重要
There is no perfect love in this world. In fact, running in with each other is more important than being made in heaven
15`当你在夜晚孤军奋战时 漫天星光因为你而闪烁
When you fight alone at night, the stars twinkle because of you
16`走的桥多 不一定走的路就多 吃的盐多 不一定吃的饭就多 走路的时候有伴就不觉得路远 吃饭的时候有伴就吃得香
If you have more bridges, you don"t have to eat more salt on your way, or eat more rice. If you have company when you walk, you don"t think it"s far away.